FROM Rabiu Muhammad Abu Hidaya.

*couples or marraige counselling is offered to support people in relationship who may be consedering seperation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding.

In couples counselling, the relationship is the focus although each partner should also expect to focus on self-improvement and self-awareness.

              When is it Recommended:
People in relationship seek counselling for any number of reasons, from pourer struggles and communication problem problems to sexual dissatisfaction and in fidelity.

Though counselling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in relationship studies show that on avarage partness will not seek theraphy untill they have been unhappy for six years and yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship.
In some cases, a couple who has already decided to seperate may persue theraphy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.

Effective therapy will likely adress marry aspects of the relationship, although communication tends to be the primary focus of relationship therapy.

When partners repeatedly employ conflict avoidance or engage in heated pourer struggles, communication problem ensue, resentment bulds, and repair are never made.
   Counselors know that one of the first steps in inproving a relationship is to teach each person how to regulate their emotions, stay calm and use healthy communication skills to resolve problems new and old, and many partness see their communication improved as a result of counselling.

Successful theraphy depends on each partner's motivation and dedication to the process, and couples can expect to become better listeness and communicators and to find new ways to support one another.
Goals will be established by the couple under the guidance of the therapist, and in order to achieve these objectives, each partner must be prepared to acknowledge and understand his or her role in the relationship.
It is not uncommon for comflict to arise within theraphy session, but ethical therapist will strive to remain neutral and avoid taking side.

(*Both couple have childrens from previous marraige, how would you advise them on how to stay together?.)

*COMMUNICATION:- The imparting or interchange of thoughs, opinions or information by speech, writting, or signs.

*RELATIONSHIP:-A connection assocition or involvement.

*TIME:- The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other as past, present, or future; indifinite and continous duration regarded as that in which events succed one another.

MISTAKE:- An error in action calculation, opinion,or judgment coursed by poor reasoning carelessnees insufficient knowledge, etc.

JAHILCI: daban yake da rashin ilimi) yana nufin fahimtar kuskure.

KARATU/ILIMI:-(Educated illitrate cannot read or write but do things morally, living a normal life with good norms and values.

Undeducated literate; can read and write but did not understand knowledge, nor do they live a good moral life blow std in norms and values etc, living irrationally.).

EDUCATION:- The act or process of impreting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

KNOWLEDGE:-acquaintance with facts truths, or principles, as from studies or investigation, general erudition: knowledge of many things.(erudition:knowledge acquired by study, reseach etc.)

PARENT:- A father or a mother/protector or guadian(to protect,parent children with both love and discipline.)COUPLES AND MARRAIGE COUSELLING.

*couples or marraige counselling is offered to support people in relationship who may be consedering seperation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding.

In couples counselling, the relationship is the focus although each partner should also expect to focus on self-improvement and self-awareness.

              When is it Recommended:
People in relationship seek counselling for any number of reasons, from pourer struggles and communication problem problems to sexual dissatisfaction and in fidelity.

Though counselling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in relationship studies show that on avarage partness will not seek theraphy untill they have been unhappy for six years and yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship.
In some cases, a couple who has already decided to seperate may persue theraphy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.

Effective therapy will likely adress marry aspects of the relationship, although communication tends to be the primary focus of relationship therapy.

When partners repeatedly employ conflict avoidance or engage in heated pourer struggles, communication problem ensue, resentment bulds, and repair are never made.
   Counselors know that one of the first steps in inproving a relationship is to teach each person how to regulate their emotions, stay calm and use healthy communication skills to resolve problems new and old, and many partness see their communication improved as a result of counselling.

Successful theraphy depends on each partner's motivation and dedication to the process, and couples can expect to become better listeness and communicators and to find new ways to support one another.
Goals will be established by the couple under the guidance of the therapist, and in order to achieve these objectives, each partner must be prepared to acknowledge and understand his or her role in the relationship.
It is not uncommon for comflict to arise within theraphy session, but ethical therapist will strive to remain neutral and avoid taking side.

(*Both couple have childrens from previous marraige, how would you advise them on how to stay together?.)

*COMMUNICATION:- The imparting or interchange of thoughs, opinions or information by speech, writting, or signs.

*RELATIONSHIP:-A connection assocition or involvement.

*TIME:- The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other as past, present, or future; indifinite and continous duration regarded as that in which events succed one another.

MISTAKE:- An error in action calculation, opinion,or judgment coursed by poor reasoning carelessnees insufficient knowledge, etc.

JAHILCI: daban yake da rashin ilimi) yana nufin fahimtar kuskure.

KARATU/ILIMI:-(Educated illitrate cannot read or write but do things morally, living a normal life with good norms and values.

Undeducated literate; can read and write but did not understand knowledge, nor do they live a good moral life blow std in norms and values etc, living irrationally.).

EDUCATION:- The act or process of impreting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

KNOWLEDGE:-acquaintance with facts truths, or principles, as from studies or investigation, general erudition: knowledge of many things.(erudition:knowledge acquired by study, reseach etc.)

PARENT:- A father or a mother/protector or guadian(to protect,parent children with both love and discipline.)

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I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often. Professional Counselling

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FROM Rabiu Muhammad Abu Hidaya.

*couples or marraige counselling is offered to support people in relationship who may be consedering seperation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding.

In couples counselling, the relationship is the focus although each partner should also expect to focus on self-improvement and self-awareness.

              When is it Recommended:
People in relationship seek counselling for any number of reasons, from pourer struggles and communication problem problems to sexual dissatisfaction and in fidelity.

Though counselling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in relationship studies show that on avarage partness will not seek theraphy untill they have been unhappy for six years and yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship.
In some cases, a couple who has already decided to seperate may persue theraphy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.

Effective therapy will likely adress marry aspects of the relationship, although communication tends to be the primary focus of relationship therapy.

When partners repeatedly employ conflict avoidance or engage in heated pourer struggles, communication problem ensue, resentment bulds, and repair are never made.
   Counselors know that one of the first steps in inproving a relationship is to teach each person how to regulate their emotions, stay calm and use healthy communication skills to resolve problems new and old, and many partness see their communication improved as a result of counselling.

Successful theraphy depends on each partner's motivation and dedication to the process, and couples can expect to become better listeness and communicators and to find new ways to support one another.
Goals will be established by the couple under the guidance of the therapist, and in order to achieve these objectives, each partner must be prepared to acknowledge and understand his or her role in the relationship.
It is not uncommon for comflict to arise within theraphy session, but ethical therapist will strive to remain neutral and avoid taking side.

(*Both couple have childrens from previous marraige, how would you advise them on how to stay together?.)

*COMMUNICATION:- The imparting or interchange of thoughs, opinions or information by speech, writting, or signs.

*RELATIONSHIP:-A connection assocition or involvement.

*TIME:- The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other as past, present, or future; indifinite and continous duration regarded as that in which events succed one another.

MISTAKE:- An error in action calculation, opinion,or judgment coursed by poor reasoning carelessnees insufficient knowledge, etc.

JAHILCI: daban yake da rashin ilimi) yana nufin fahimtar kuskure.

KARATU/ILIMI:-(Educated illitrate cannot read or write but do things morally, living a normal life with good norms and values.

Undeducated literate; can read and write but did not understand knowledge, nor do they live a good moral life blow std in norms and values etc, living irrationally.).

EDUCATION:- The act or process of impreting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

KNOWLEDGE:-acquaintance with facts truths, or principles, as from studies or investigation, general erudition: knowledge of many things.(erudition:knowledge acquired by study, reseach etc.)

PARENT:- A father or a mother/protector or guadian(to protect,parent children with both love and discipline.)COUPLES AND MARRAIGE COUSELLING.

*couples or marraige counselling is offered to support people in relationship who may be consedering seperation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding.

In couples counselling, the relationship is the focus although each partner should also expect to focus on self-improvement and self-awareness.

              When is it Recommended:
People in relationship seek counselling for any number of reasons, from pourer struggles and communication problem problems to sexual dissatisfaction and in fidelity.

Though counselling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in relationship studies show that on avarage partness will not seek theraphy untill they have been unhappy for six years and yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship.
In some cases, a couple who has already decided to seperate may persue theraphy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.

Effective therapy will likely adress marry aspects of the relationship, although communication tends to be the primary focus of relationship therapy.

When partners repeatedly employ conflict avoidance or engage in heated pourer struggles, communication problem ensue, resentment bulds, and repair are never made.
   Counselors know that one of the first steps in inproving a relationship is to teach each person how to regulate their emotions, stay calm and use healthy communication skills to resolve problems new and old, and many partness see their communication improved as a result of counselling.

Successful theraphy depends on each partner's motivation and dedication to the process, and couples can expect to become better listeness and communicators and to find new ways to support one another.
Goals will be established by the couple under the guidance of the therapist, and in order to achieve these objectives, each partner must be prepared to acknowledge and understand his or her role in the relationship.
It is not uncommon for comflict to arise within theraphy session, but ethical therapist will strive to remain neutral and avoid taking side.

(*Both couple have childrens from previous marraige, how would you advise them on how to stay together?.)

*COMMUNICATION:- The imparting or interchange of thoughs, opinions or information by speech, writting, or signs.

*RELATIONSHIP:-A connection assocition or involvement.

*TIME:- The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other as past, present, or future; indifinite and continous duration regarded as that in which events succed one another.

MISTAKE:- An error in action calculation, opinion,or judgment coursed by poor reasoning carelessnees insufficient knowledge, etc.

JAHILCI: daban yake da rashin ilimi) yana nufin fahimtar kuskure.

KARATU/ILIMI:-(Educated illitrate cannot read or write but do things morally, living a normal life with good norms and values.

Undeducated literate; can read and write but did not understand knowledge, nor do they live a good moral life blow std in norms and values etc, living irrationally.).

EDUCATION:- The act or process of impreting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

KNOWLEDGE:-acquaintance with facts truths, or principles, as from studies or investigation, general erudition: knowledge of many things.(erudition:knowledge acquired by study, reseach etc.)

PARENT:- A father or a mother/protector or guadian(to protect,parent children with both love and discipline.)

1 comment:

  1. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often. Professional Counselling
